Audio messages on iPhone are a great way to communicate with friends and family. They offer a convenient and easy way to send a quick message without having to type out a long text or email. Plus, they’re perfect for those times when you just want to hear the person’s voice. Here’s how to set up and use audio messages on your iPhone.
- To get started, open the Messages app and tap on the new message icon. Then, type in the name or number of the person you want to send an audio message to.
- Next, tap on the microphone icon next to the text field. This will bring up a new screen with a record button. Tap on the record button to start recording your message.
- When you’re finished, tap on the stop button. Your audio message will now be saved and ready to send. Just tap on the send button to send it off.
- You can also listen to your audio messages by tapping on the play button. This is a great way to check to make sure your message sounds the way you want it to before sending it.
Where do saved audio messages go on iphone
Audio messages are automatically saved in the “Recents” section of the Messages app. You can find them by tapping on the “Recents” tab at the bottom of the screen. From there, you can tap on an individual message to listen to it or tap on the trash can icon to delete it.
You can also go to the “Settings” app to manage your audio messages. Just tap on the “Messages” tab and then scroll down to the “Audio Messages” section. From there, you can choose to have audio messages automatically delete after 2 minutes or never delete.
How to send an audio message on iPhone
Sending an audio message on iPhone is just as easy as sending a regular text message. Just open the Messages app and tap on the new message icon. Then, type in the name or number of the person you want to send an audio message to.Next, tap on the microphone icon next to the text field. This will bring up a new screen with a record button. Tap on the record button to start recording your message.
When you’re finished, tap on the stop button. Your audio message will now be saved and ready to send. Just tap on the send button to send it off.
You can also go to the “Settings” app to manage your audio messages. Just tap on the “Messages” tab and then scroll down to the “Audio Messages” section. From there, you can choose to have audio messages automatically delete after 2 minutes or never delete.
How to receive an audio message on iPhone
When you receive an audio message on your iPhone, it will appear as a blue bubble. Just tap on the bubble to listen to the message. If you want to save the message, just long-press on the bubble and then tap on the “Save” button.
You can also go to the “Settings” app to manage your audio messages. Just tap on the “Messages” tab and then scroll down to the “Audio Messages” section. From there, you can choose to have audio messages automatically delete after 2 minutes or never delete.
How to delete an audio message on iPhone
To delete an audio message, just long-press on the blue bubble and then tap on the trash can icon. This will delete the message from your iPhone and the person you sent it to will no longer be able to listen to it.
You can also go to the “Settings” app to manage your audio messages. Just tap on the “Messages” tab and then scroll down to the “Audio Messages” section. From there, you can choose to have audio messages automatically delete after 2 minutes or never delete.