You can add friends on Snapchat in a few easy steps by following the below guide. After you have added friends on Snapchat, go to their Snaps and Stories to know what they are up too. You will be notified every time a friend posts a new Snap or Story so you can stay up-to-date with everything going on. To add a friend on Snapchat, go to their profile and tap the “+” icon. You will be required to add them or send them a request to become friends with you before they can view your Snaps and Stories.
While in chat mode, select “More” from the top of the screen and then select “Add Friends”. From here you can search their name to find them or enter their snapchat username. To send your friend request, go to the chat mode and select “Add Friends”. You can select either “I don’t have this person” or “Add Friend”. If you select Add Friend, you will be able to search for your friend’s username. You can also add friends on Snapchat by taking a Snap with “+” icon in the text box, selecting “My Story”, then choosing “Add Friend”. You will also see this “+” icon in the chat mode, which you can select to send your friend request.
How to find someone’s real name on snapchat
You can find someone’s real name on snapchat using one of the two methods mentioned below:
Method 1: If you want to get someone’s real name, simply type their username in a new chat window and select “Search for this Username” from the bottom bar. You will be able to see their profile if they have added you back or you have been granted access to their account. This method is great if you want to add someone who doesn’t have a username listed anywhere.
Method 2: When adding a new friend on Snapchat, tap the “+” icon and then select “Add by Snapcode”. You will be able to access their snapchat profile with just a picture or video of them. However, this method is only limited to the friends you know personally.
Please note that after adding someone on Snapchat with their username or snapcode , they will get your request and can add you back if they want to. If a friend rejects your request, you won’t be able to send another request for 14 days since the request has been sent.
How to find your friends on Snapchat?
Please note that if someone is not following you back, you won’t be able to see their Snaps and Stories. On the other hand, if they are following you back, you can view all of their Snaps and Stories unless they have set them to private. To find your friends on Snapchat, go to the chat mode and select “My Friends”. You will be able to view all of the friends who you have added using this method.
How do I block someone on snapchat?
You can block a friend who is annoying you or has been spammed multiple times by going into your settings and blocking them. To block or unblock someone on Snapchat, go to the chat mode and select “Settings” from the top right corner of the screen. Here you can view all of your blocked friends. To block a friend, select their name and choose “Block”. This will prevent them from sending Snaps or Stories to you and you won’t be able to view their Snaps and Stories.
In conclusion, Snapchat is a popular photo/video sharing app that allows you to be up-to-date with your friends. In this article we have discussed how to send and receive Snaps from people who are not on your “Friends” list.