If you’ve updated to iOS 8.3, you may have noticed a new way to access your voicemail: by holding down the 1 key on the Phone app. This shortcut makes it easier and faster to get to your voicemail, and is especially useful if you often find yourself needing to check your messages while you’re on the go.
To use this new feature, simply open the Phone app and press and hold the 1 key. After a couple of seconds, you’ll be connected to your voicemail. You can then access your messages in the usual way, by pressing the 9 key to delete them or the 6 key to save them.
How to access voicemail on iphone 11
To check your voicemail on iPhone 11, simply open the Phone app and tap on the Voicemail tab. You will see a list of all your recent voicemails. To listen to a voicemail, just tap on it and then press the Play button. To delete a voicemail, tap on the Delete button. If you want to save a voicemail, tap on the Save button.
If you’re like most people, you probably rely on your voicemail to communicate with others when you can’t answer the phone. But what happens if you lose your phone or it’s stolen? How can you access your voicemail if you can’t even get into your phone? Here are a few tips on how to access voicemail on iphone 11.
How to enable voicemail transcription on your iPhone
If you don’t like checking your voicemail the old-fashioned way, you can now enable voicemail transcription on your iPhone. This feature will transcribe your voicemails into text so that you can read them instead of listen to them. To turn on voicemail transcription, open the Phone app and tap on the Voicemail tab. Then, tap on the Settings button in the top right corner. Scroll down and toggle the switch next to Voicemail Transcription. Now, when you receive a new voicemail, it will be transcribed and you’ll be able to read it instead of listen to it.
There are a few things to keep in mind with voicemail transcription. First, not all carriers support this feature, so you may not be able to use it even if you have an iPhone that supports it. Second, the transcription may not be perfect, so don’t rely on it for critical messages. But if you just want to quickly glance at your voicemails, it can be a helpful feature.
How to access and listen to your voicemails
If you want to hear your voicemails, open the Phone app and tap on the Voicemail tab. You’ll see a list of all your recent voicemails. To listen to one, just tap on it and then press the Play button.
You can also call your voicemail by pressing and holding the 1 key on the Phone app. This will automatically dial your voicemail number and connect you to your messages.